When I first started getting into makeup four years ago, and again earlier this year, I was a bit of a snob. I grew up with sensitive skin my whole life, and the word "cheap" followed by cosmetics always made me squeamish. I've had many-a rashes and negative reactions due to their formulations, and so for almost two decades I associated price with quality and figured I'd rather break the bank for something I can trust that won't make me break out or damage my health beyond repair, over something more affordable in the mean time but would hurt me in the long run. My refusal was born out of fear that I'd mess up my already sensitive skin or that prolonged use of products (as I'd constantly been warned growing up) would result in breakouts or even—God forbid—cancer. In hindsight, I can see how ridiculously privileged I had to be to think those things, and I will be the first to admit that if I knew my past self now, I'd want to whack her in the face, but times are a-changing. Or rather, they've
been changing.
Given the rapidly growing beauty industry, local brands have also been catching up to the game and rethinking not only their marketing strategies but also their product lines and formulations; I think now more than ever, brands are conscious about not only their target market but also how they're perceived by the public and how well their products perform. Careline's rebranding to meet both the needs and wants of this current generation is indicative of that. More local brands are also offering us high-quality products for less, and the broke college student in me is rejoicing. Gone is the snob who overlooked drugstore products
(good riddance!), much less local ones
(internalized colonial mentality, anyone?); in her place stands a prouder, more adventurous lover of all things beauty
and local. I could go on endlessly about the connection between the growth of my appreciation for my identity as a Filipina and love for beauty, but then that'd be a story for another time.
I've said all this as an intro to my review of EB (Ever Bilena) Advance's classic lip & cheek tint in
Very Red. Now I know I'm late to the game and this has been a staple in much of everyone's makeup bags probably before I even knew what it was, but I've had a few friends and Instagram followers ask me for my thoughts. I never thought I'd one day be so thrilled to be standing in front of an Ever Bilena stall (for many reasons that present-me is ashamed of), and yet...
Without further ado, here are my thoughts.
Scroll to the bottom for a quick summary, in case you're at the store and in a hurry!